Training An Aggressive Dog
Most dog aggression to people is caused by punishment , rough or unpleasant handling eg dragging by the collar ,or frightening the dog . Hundreds of scientific studies have confirmed this and I certainly find it to be the case in my practice .
It’s very simple – if you don’t want to get bitten don’t teach your dog to expect you to hurt it , or that you will take things from it .(Trade , don’t steal!)
Consequences for unwanted behavior don’t have to be painful or scary to be significantly unrewarding and mildly unpleasant to the dog. With holding a reward or leaving the room or not responding are very effective consequences. If you don’t think so , you’re not doing it right !
Punishment is reinforcing to the punisher .The fall out of physical punishment is aggression ,anxiety, fear, and distrust. And your dog still doesn’t know what you want because you haven’t taught it !You have only suppressed the behavior , not changed it .
But you didn’t know this and now you have a problem , or a previous owner or trainer caused this issue.
The good news is we can change your dog ‘s expectations. Reactivity techniques work by changing the dog’s perception of people , forming positive associations and building an expectation that people are not threats but instead are the cue that good things will happen.
Your aggressive dog is fearful and unhappy . There is no need for this. Change this now.